Friday, 24 March 2017

Environmental Promotion Week 3

What have you accomplished?
-We have accomplished a coral watch at obyan beach.
What has gone wrong?
-In my opinion, the things that went wrong was the fact that the tide was really low and the fact that I was feeling sick.
What challenges have you faced?
-The challenges that I faced the most was my sickness and getting an excuse note for not being at the koblerville cleanup.
What have you learned through the process?
-I have leaned about different types of coral and what their different colors could mean and that there are different corals that could harm humans.
How have your skills improved over the past week?
-I have learned to communicate better and I have also learned about what the different colors of the color means and that some are dangerous to humans.
Are you on track for an on-time delivery?
-In my honest opinion, I feel that we are on track with our timeline now.
What adjustments need to be made on the timeline?
-I think we don't need to make any adjustments to our timeline so far.
My next action is….
-My next action is to continue communicating with my group and YEA and plan our next beach cleanup, trail repair, and coral watch.

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